Τρίτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Gosh, my English is so sophisticated.

It's not that I'm not doing fine. I am. I am doing more than fine, to be fair, I'm doing great. It's just that everyone needs a moment to whine about something every now and then. Mostly "then", that's how it goes for me. It almost makes me feel guilty. Got no reasons to complain and all that stuff. I sincerely believe so, hence the guilt. Oh well, what would you know anyway? And that's me rambling.

And it's not like I'm disappointed in love and all that shit. I guess I've just learned to maintain an impressive amount of patience and a realistic attitude when it comes to that matter. I'm waiting, it's bound to happen at some point. As in, for real this time.

Yea, I know, you're waiting for the whining bit. It's not much, really. Just a silly thing. The romantic kind of stuff that I've pushed out of my system and way of life. Don't judge that, you're the one to know better for yourself and I am the one to know for mine. So hush. And that's me rambling again.

So here goes: I want once in my life - doesn't have to be more than once - that a man would dedicate a song of this sort (coming up at the end, geez) to me. As in out in the open, not closeted up on his own crying over me.  Meaning every little bit of it, feeling every word, connecting each lyric to me. I want him to come and say to me "I dedicate this song to you, because you've generated these feelings inside me, because - here comes the L word, Scott Pilgrim fans - I am in lesbians with you ( you snooze, you lose, watch the film).

That's all. Excessively narcissistic and selfish, if you ask my proper self. Plus, ridiculously - to the vomiting point - romantic, cheesy and corny. That is, as I've said, my proper self talking. Really against such things my proper self is, I tell you. But that other bitch keeps nagging from time to time. Quite annoying, that one, I'd say. Then again, what can you do?

Oh, and I know already that this post is exquisitely random and pointless, but then again, when one is doing fine, what sort of posts would you expect?

PS: Snide remarks from people that I know and know me are by no means welcome and will be ignored, most possibly left unanswered and, on the whole, probably deleted. Don't say I didn't warn you.

The rest of you, feel free.

2 σχόλια:

Ανώνυμος είπε...

So you need somebody to love you.So you need to be important to someone. And you think this is selfish? Come on girl,this is not selfish,it's human. It's being a person.Don't get me wrong,I'm not accusing your bitchy self of being insensitive.It's just how it is. We all have...two selves!Or maybe even more selves! I have the crazy-optimistic and the depressed-to the thinking-about-suicide-for-real point- I am also romantic and cynical and I believe in true and eternal love while I'm sure I 'll never be able to settle for it.

But seeing you beating yourself up and apologizing for having a moment? You sure as hell don't have to apologize for any of it.

I'm sure the people who know you -really know you- are aware of both yourselves. Even when you want them not to. For all you know,I could be a person who knows you. And I'm telling you: embrace your complexity.

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